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I honestly miss this game so much. I still listen to the music and return to this page every so often. I recall the game being an obvious work in progress, but it was fun and genuinely made me feel so peaceful while playing. I don't know what happened to either you or the project, but I sincerely hope you're doing well and haven't given up on creating beautiful things like this. 

Are you still working on this?

(1 edit)

what dif between 22y18w one and 16w one?

it´s really well made, but i would like if i could move the buildings

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi, I just wanted to share my thoughts in this game. First and foremost I like to say that this is a pretty nice game ngl. Its like city building and adventure game. Though I see some things that needs to be added someohow in the game: First I'll start with the stamina, I think its great if Mumei has stamina gauge that she can be exhausted from a lot of work, and with that being said I think it is great to add sleeping function and eating for her as well to recover this " stamina " thing. Next would be the addition of more buildings and tools that would be cool, and then if you may I think it's great to add more like enemies that can harm Mumei and the hoomans. Lastly, I don't know if it is necessary but I think its also great to add like lore or quest thingies aside from the achievements, and yeah major bug fixes I saw the wall glitches as well. Overall its a pretty nice game very wholesome game, 10/10!


fun game!


i hope you're fine man, and i hope you didn't give up on this game because it's really fun!


I really hope you pick this project back up eventually. Its a very cute game, and I enjoyed playing it, despite the bugs.

I think it is not necessary to explain that there is no such thing

I was exploring the world on a boat and found a strange land . After swimming up to it , my boat just disappeared and I was teleported to an invisible land surrounded by water .I was able to get out on ordinary land, but it was surrounded by water and an unknown wall, I tried to build something and accidentally put a berry bush that started pushing me into the water and in this process I miraculously put a second bush starting the process of endless falling into the water and teleporting into a berry bush

when you activate this bug with falling into the water and pushing out, you can put an infinite number of buildings

my boat broke down somewhere here


Are you still working on this?


Hello there. Are you interested in a partnership in development of this game? I wouldn't mind assisting in another project on my spare time and I've almost concluded the first big stage of the project I'm on as it is.

i cant play the game properly because im left handed and i cant change the controls

(1 edit)

fun little game, but definitely needs an instructions page to not have to flounder around until you figure out you can slash trees to get the materials needed for a workshop

some interesting bugs I found

destroying the Woodcutter house for some reason gets it stuck in an infinitely loop where it just keeps destroying itself and just lags out the game with how many pieces of wood it keeps dropping

Mumei can apparently make her fishing rod bend reality by hooking and caching a fish from the other side of the map

L A N D   F I S H aka the fish can accidentally swim onto land (their sprites still act like their underwater) and yes you can fish them up

thanks to your bugs report and sorry for late update....


well time to play and do some bug testing while i enjoy myself. i will give a report of bugs i find look forward to it


Thank you! Your interest is very helpful. I'll be waiting

[bug/glitch report] I already commented this before, but I'm commenting it again because I don't know if you saw it and I wanna make sure.

There's this fishing exploit (I don't know whether to call it a bug or a glitch) where you can catch fish on land, additionally the exploit GUARANTEES that you get the fish.

whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?! ok i`ll fix it! sorry I guess I didn't see the before. thx a lot!

can you please add a 32 bit version ? thank you soo much

I don't know when I can, but I'll try when I can!

(1 edit)

btw is this legal? (I am at the outside of the map I think 

I use the dock to get out but seems there's no way to go

OMG I didn't think of such a way! let me think of a way to fix it.......

Hello, I have been playing this game but I wanna ask how do you actually increase the number of owls?

Hello! There was a lack of explanation on how to increase the number of owls in the game. We plan to reinforce intuition and explanation in the future.
1. What is needed to breed owls is their sufficient level of happiness and room for residence.
2. Even if owls are happy enough, they do not reproduce if there is no room in their residence. The tent can accommodate up to four people and up to nine people at home.
3. When your residence is full, you can use the owl's moving habit to move to another house. Owls try to move to a house close to their workplace, and they only move once a day.
4. I've heard a lot of opinions that the current habit of moving is too insufficient for players to get involved. In the future, we will add a way for the player to manually set the owl's residence.

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Hey, there seems to be an invisible rock wall here that acts as land and has trapped me out at sea to the south west of camp. There also seems to be an issue with farmers knowing to harvest but not how to pick up tomatoes.

What does the checkbox on each building do?

Keep up the good work man, don't push yourself too hard.

How can she stand there????? i'll check it

The checkbox was originally intended to be a function of pausing the task or something, but somehow it doesn't work...I'll fix it as soon as possible

This game is very good, but I tried to play the newest version and it crashes when I start it. I also found a bug on the previous version when you destroy the sanctum with a hammer, it keeps destroying itself and spewing out materials XD


The previous version of the bug was fixed in the new version! And I uploaded the new version again, so it's going to work now!

I tried to play some of this newest update, but it just crashes on startup for me... :(

(3 edits) (+1)

oh.....let me check

Could you check it again? I rebuilt and uploaded a new one. I think I uploaded a broken file before. I'm sorry for bothering you.

No issues now! Thanks!

(1 edit)

This is a really impressive for a fangame and I'm really looking forward to the full release. This game has a lot of potential

bugs found:

1) I had two forester huts and decided I only needed one at the moment and destroyed one and also accidentally destroyed the cloth workshop. Later, the owl that worked a the the second forester hut moved to the cloth workshop and the original cloth workshop owl did not change jobs so now I have two cloth workshop owls and one forester owl.

2) Saving and quitting while crafting is in progress (In this case shovel) halts the progress with only the option to cancel upon loading the save. Canceling does not allow you to start over and remains the only option so that you can't craft, but will be infinitely refunded the ingredients from canceling over and over

QoL suggestion: 1) Equipment switching can be mapped to scrolling the mouse wheel and make it clear that you can switch using the number keys. 2) Fullscreen mode. 3) Ability to manually move owls between houses (I'd like to get them to move out of the tent and into a house or simply for organizing) 4) saving volume settings

Oh, my... I checked late. It will be fixed next week's update. I'm sorry for the late check!
I'll consider your suggestions. Great ideas, but if development time is tight, priorities can be pushed back later.

(1 edit)

Amazing game!
a bug i found while playing:
lumberjacks sometimes accidentally break their own/others huts while chopping trees


I don't think it's going to be easy... but I'll try to fix it!

Outstanding! ❤️



Found a bug when i break barn with hammer it give resource but it also keep respawning at the same time, making my device a bit laggy haha

Thank you for telling me! The bug will be fixed in this week's update!

I really enjoyed the game, I liked the idea of having "minions" that collect materials for you, kind of like Age Of Empires or something.

I did find a bug though, when I was near water and walked up against a wall I was able to walk on the water, I show it off in the video (10:52).


Thank you for your interest and help!

Is there a way to save your progress? or is there an autosave because I couldn't find a way to save and when I closed the game it opened to a new save without any of my previous progress. maybe I just didn't look hard enough or maybe this is part of a challenge to get as much done in one sitting either I just want to know if there is a save.


The 'Save and Load' function is located on the Pause screen. You can open the pause screen by pressing ESC during the game. I apologize that you can't use the Save and Load function on the title screen right now. It will be added soon.

I look forward to the future of this game with eager eyes. I love the design of the game, and wanted to help you by reporting some bugs I found.

  1. Owls get stuck on buildings and natural structures like rocks and crops
  2. Owls cannot complete a task. In my instance my harvester owl was stuck trying to harvest a cabbage crop.
  3. Mumei can walk on water if you walk along the invisible barriers that limit the world.
  4. The House is called a tent in the Houses own menu
  5. Trying to remove a structure with the Hammer tool (in my case a Sanctum) causes the structure to break infinitely and spew out materials without ending.
  6. Sometimes Mumei starts to swim while it appears she is still standing on land.
  7. When placing buildings, the material counters do not update to show how many you have remaining unless you deselect and reselect whatever you were placing
  8. It appears you can hold items beyond the allotted inventory space, as i had a full inventory and was able to pick up gold, and use it to place a sanctum while having an apparently full inventory.

I hoped this helped in some way!

Please continue to develop this game, despite all the bugs I enjoy it very much, and eagerly await the next update.


That's a lot! Thank you for your interest in this game! I'm re-educating owls now. I'm trying to convince Mumei not to walk on the water. I'll try to make a game that meets your expectations! Thank you!

Love the game but just running into two bugs. Owls seem to be getting stuck on eachother and buildings and are unable to get to their jobs. Perhaps just removing the collision on them might solve this. The other is that for some reason progress on timers will freeze and if I hit cancel it will give me back resources infinitely but I can no longer use that item. For example I can no longer research the pan but hitting cancel will give me loads of iron.

Keep it up man, the idea of a village of little owls is too damn adorable.

i can confirm 

Thank you for the bug feedback!

(3 edits)

Ok so I have been playing it for a bit, and I really like it. Reminds me alot of the chill type games like Stardew Valley. Although I did find a bug/exploit regarding infinite wood when breaking the forestry building.

I don't know how it happened, but yeah it does.

PS. If you're wondering what that sound in the background is, that's the theme of "Mickey Never Came Back" by Ethereal Snake.

Edit: For some reason my drive doesn't allow me to play it so here it is.

Ops....ok, i`ll fix now. Thx!

I've been playing this for about an hour now and genuinely having a good time! TBH I didn't have an Itch account until just now, I made one to let you know how good this is for a demo. Out of curiosity, how long have you been working on this?

Also, if you want, I'd love to help with some proofreading-style text corrections. I noticed (and I see some others in the comments also did) some typos here and there. If you don't want to add some random person from online to your project, I totally understand, but I'd be more than happy to help with a fangame like this!

Thank you for your kindness and interest! I'll look for regular contacts.

the game was cute and fun, would recommend to others. mumei/10

Great job though you might not want to associate your Patreon with Hololive's IP just in case. I'm not a lawyer but fair use ends where money begins.

Great job dude. She loved it.


(1 edit)

very insignificant but there was a typo when I crafted a pickaxe
the cancel button said "cancle" instead of cancel
another typo in the guidebook "stemina" instead of stamina


Thank you for letting me know! I'll fix it in the next update!

(1 edit)

oh yeah forgot to mention as well. The fishing was buggy, I don't think I should be allowed to fish in a place without water, if I 'fish' it just clicks onto the nearest fish (I think) it also gurantees that I get the fish if I don't let go for a few seconds.

I uploaded a video of it to youtube

sorry about the audio and resolution, was watching ame's elden ring stream.

am here cuz mumei is playing it rn

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